June 24, 2022

The Killing of Roe v Wade

Today's Supreme Court bombshell killing Roe v Wade was the culmination point of the goddam Trump Presidency. At least, for most of his goddam supporters. The minority of 'em – what was once the goddam fringe but is not the mainstream – the misogynistic, homophobic racists who had been hiding in the dark waiting for Trump all their goddam lives – don't give a fuck about Roe. But the majority of his supporters, those classic Republicans who typically only care about themselves (and therefore, gas prices and the stock market), but for some reason are obsessed with millions of fetuses (including whose which have yet to be produced), who cringed when marking their goddam ballots for the treasonous Trump … they got what they wanted today; they won. For now, anyhow. I remember that feeling. I remember well the last week of June in 2015, fondly – the relief, the joy … two decisions – one in favor of keeping Obamacare on the books despite those who wanted it gone just because they hated Obama. Thousands – fuck, millions – of Americans (certainly many here in Missouri) could have been helped by Obamacare. Didn't matter. They wanted that goddam law GONE. And that wanted HIM gone. Both for the same goddam reason – 'cause they hated "that fucking nigger." (I heard it many times.) Then came the gay marriage decision when John Roberts actually had some balls. They wanted that gone, too. Those that hated it weren't affect by it; they just didn't want gays to have the same civil rights as them 'cause they hate "those fucking queers." (Heard that one a bunch, too.) Now the shoe is on the other foot and I'm the one not feeling so great. Except this is different. The decision on gay marriage in 2015 didn't affect others, except those goddam busy bodies who clint to some antiquated notion of love as defined, they claim, in the book that, in truth, doesn't even MENTION gay marriage. These goddam boneheads need to mind their own goddam business. Right. So, unlike that decision seven years ago, this goddam decision today could affect anyone and everyone. As the saying goes, it's a goddam slippery slope. And now the goddam coast is clear; nothing is off the table, now that the Judicial Branch has entered the political arena. How about a "Republican tax" for stupidity? Bring it on! How about an executive order from Biden abolishing the 2nd Amendment? Goddam right. Ha! I can hear those bastards now – "don't take away our guns!" Oh, those goddam guns! (And by the way, the 2nd Amendment, as conceived by Madison, was to ensure funding in the new nation's first budget for a government-sanctioned militia for each state. NOT for every Tom, Dick and red-necked Harry to roam the country wielding weaponry.) So now the Court's resident moron, Clarence Thomas, thinks we should look into the validity of a bunch of other goddam laws that spell freedom for people, though no goddam mention, of course, of invalidating interracial marriage. Huge fucking surprise. Yep – a year and a half after we got rid of Trump, we witness the zenith of his presidency. This is what they put him in to do, because he said he'd do it and he did it – he put in those three nutball judges. He had some help, from McConnell and others who, in truth, don't give a good goddam shit about any goddam fetuses; just about controlling women. Hence, the idea that any declared exceptions for rape, etc., is a joke. Then there are the justices themselves, four of whom now qualify for impeachment under Article II of the Constitution. As for you who voted for Trump just for this day, well you'd better goddam hold on when they come for you and/or one of yours. If you can live with that, and live with your goddam self after the past six years, then more goddam power to you. And oh yeah … FUCK YOU.

June 1, 2020

Calling Joe Biden ...

Dear President Biden,

As your VP sweepstakes comes to a head (and not a moment too soon for those on the edge), let me offer some advice: You'd better start thinking STRATEGICALLY and stop toying with the idea of catering to (1) the black vote and/or (2) the progressive vote. Both groups are, unfortunately, non-entities in the long run. The black community in this nation has displayed their voting prowess exactly twice since gaining the power full-on in the middle 1960s. First, in 2008, to contribute to the election of Barack Obama and second, in 2018, as part of the blue wave that swept through the U.S. Congress. (Hell, they didn't even come out to re-elect Obama in 2012.) Then there are the progressives, aka the youth vote, who, this past spring, proved to Bernie Sanders that they are every bit as lazy when it comes to voting as they are relative to other parts of their life.

But back to your choice. First, we eliminate those on either coast, not because four of the six are black but because of the critical need to re-focus on the Midwest, specifically the states in that area that Hillary should've won but neglected during her campaign – Michigan, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin. So ... goodbye to Harris, Demmings, Bass, Bottoms, Raimondo and Hasson, and on to the Midwest – Baldwin and Whitmer – two good candidates, but simply too white. Not that, as stated earlier, color matters in the long haul, but the non-choosing of a non-white will draw too much attention away from the idiot Trump at a time when a whole lot of attention needs to be placed on Trump by you and your running-mate-to-be. New Mexico governor Grisham is tempting, but (a) you've got the white problem and (b) the Dems are going to get New Mexico anyway. Moving on …

- Stacey Abrams – a rising star but too young and too inexperienced and more often than not, it shows.

- Susan Rice – too much baggage from her Obama years; the Republicans will have a field day.

- Elizabeth Warren – please … she's been out of her league from day one and will cause nothing but trouble for you.

This leaves one more possibility: A very smart veteran from the Midwest who also happens to be a badass and already has a bit of a national following.

Your VP candidate, Mr. President, is Tammy Duckworth – if you want to have a chance to win.

Mad Bomber

April 9, 2020

Bye, bye Bernie? We'll see.

This week's news was hardly a shocker: "Bernie Sanders kicks off 2024 Presidential Campaign!"

This was lost in the announcement by Sanders that he is ending his 2020 campaign. But, as usual – like 2016 and long before 2024 – Bernie Sanders is not going to go gently into that good night. Besides repeating his stump speech, he said that he would continue to collect delegates between now and the convention for the purpose of power; to "exert significant influence;" and that he would "work" with Joe Biden. (There was no mention of an endorsement or even "support.") Yep – this was Sanders' signal to his supporters to cast a vote for ANYONE but the Democratic candidate.

Remember 2016? When Sanders harangued Hillary Clinton all the way to the convention despite the forgone conclusion that she would be the nominee weeks and weeks BEFORE the convention? Well, get ready for a repeat performance. That is unless, of course, Sanders decides to jump the Dems boat and run as an Independent, which would have made more sense in the first place given that he has presented himself as an independent for something like 35 of his 40 years in public service. But that probably won't happen and we'll continue to witness this phony insist that he's the one who should be on a national presidential election ballot as a Democrat-Socialist. Democrat-Socialist. Jesus. Think about that. That's a goddam contradiction in terms if there ever was one, anyway; it's like somebody asking you your favorite ice cream and you responding "chocolatevanilla."

Unfortunately, Bernie can't have it both ways. If he wants state institutions to give away their college educations, he's got to go full-blown Socialist. (Free college in a democratic society? That doesn't work.) Of course, the first thing he'd have to do as President/Comrade would be to shred that democracy-driven U.S. Constitution and start over, creating a document that sets the rules Socialist style – when the government runs the show rather than (ideally in a democracy) the people. This would align Sanders with Trump, who also wants to run the show. Of course, this isn't the only thing these two loud-mouthed New Yorkers have in common. Since he ran for President in 2016, Bernie has called for a revolution – a "major change" in the White House, as he said recently. Sound familiar? Right. So much for change.

In truth, Sanders and Trump are very much alike. And by the way, I first made this claim long before Trump was elected in one of the biggest surprises of the last half-century, going back to the fall of 2015 when I compared them BOTH to William Jennings Bryan. Both Trump and Sanders had tapped into a lunatic fringe of society by delivering promises that would never – COULD never – be kept.

At the beginning of March, things looked pretty good for Bernie. But it's different now. And he'll spend the rest of his life trying to figure out just how he didn't get those votes, blaming everyone but himself. (Doesn't THIS sound familiar? An out-of-sorts, self-serving, fantasy-filled New Yorker who refuses to accept blame for any problems that surround him.)

First, Bernie remains perpetually pissed at Big Media and the Democratic Establishment (of which, incidentally, he's been a part of for four decades.) And for weeks now, he's been unhappy with his principal constituency – the youth vote that he has not only coveted, but has been boasting about for five years. They just didn't show up.

Despite all the warning of the problems inherent in a scrambled, elongated process caused by supposedly too many candidates, the Democrats have their nominee. And they could do worse than Joe Biden. Mostly because we now have the contest that Trump has feared most: Joe vs. The Donald. Now if Bernie can just keep from fucking it up for the Democrats. Again.

Admittedly, Bernie didn't screw things up all by himself four years ago – he had a lot of help:
- Those righteous numbskulls who hated Trump but opted to cast a vote for one of the third-party yahoos
- The black vote which didn't show up like it did for Obama in 2008
- Hillary's poor campaign strategy
- The Russian interference
- The Trump Phenomenon

They all combined to put Trump in the White House. And in 2020, there will be no Sanders Phenomenon. The power has been consolidated; the alliances have been formed; and the Democrats now have a consensus candidate, much to the anger of Sanders and his minions.

[Quick side question: If Biden had been the lone moderate, would Bernie still be blaming the establishment? Probably.]

Many have been surprised to see Joe Biden end up as the nominee, claiming he ran a poor campaign. Did he? In truth, he seems to have gotten it just about right. And despite Bernie's claim during their lone solo debate that "I've got your back" should Biden get the nomination, don't count on it. We've already heard that one, Bernie, and we're not gonna buy it this time around.

The struggle continues, indeed.

June 5, 2019

Little Lindsey

I got a big bang out of Donald Trump's recent comments about the relationship – some sort of pseudo love affair, to hear the idiot Trump's accusation – between Mueller and Comey. Hell, at different points in time, Trump has been equally smitten with each of them. But what really makes the accusation interesting is that it's been voiced by a guy with his own dubious sexual history, both distant and recent.

Currently – and this is no big secret – there is clearly something special between our current President and U.S. Senator Lindsey Graham, whose infatuation with Trump goes beyond professional admiration or mere party loyalty; it's obviously a deep-seated, very personal love.

Think about it: Here's Graham, the life-long bachelor without a proclaimed love in the world. He's always longed for someone to look up to in politics, but in his nearly three decades in public office, has really never had anyone. George W. Bush, the only Republican president during his time before Trump? Give me a break. John McCain? Well, they served as senators together, but were clearly cut from different cloth. McCain was the outspoken, self-proclaimed maverick, whereas Graham, heretofore, was the soft-spoken, quiet one. However, it seems that Trump has brought out the bitch in Little Lindsey, and not a moment too soon; Trump needs someone to back him up. And who better than his doe-eyed golf partner?

Even if poor, innocent Lindsey didn't know about Trump's past life of roaming the underbelly of New York city in the late '70s and early '80s with one of the most notorious closet queens ever, it doesn't matter now. Trump has given Graham something he never had – someone to love.

You get the idea.

Before Lindsey, Trump had Roy Cohn, the vicious attorney who railed against homosexuals then proceeded to die of AIDS in the early days of the epidemic. And it WASN'T because Cohn was an intravenous drug user. Cohn claimed at the time that liver cancer was taking him, but that was a lie.

By now, two-plus years into the Trump presidency, it's been discussed to death how Cohn was Trump's business/political mentor. But given the personal nature of the two men – hell, each is the only friend the other ever had – theirs was surely more than a business relationship, right?

In the immediate wake of Trump's association with Cohn all those years ago, with all of those voices a'waggin', Trump needed to do SOMETHING to protect what image he had and decided to go straight for the Trophy Wife. And, of course, has continued this habit for longer than any of the three women would like to remember, despite the rumor that has been floating around New York City for decades. Thankfully for Trump (and Cohn, who never really did come out of the closet, as it were), they were in a place – New York City – where people just really don't care about such things.

But throughout Red-state America, they do. And considering the conservative notions that pervade this nation of ours, one has to wonder how Trump's core constituents would feel if they knew what he REALLY likes to do when the lights go out.

Stormy Daniels is the least of it.