February 6, 2014

So Much For Cruz Control

Just when we thought we were safely locked into Cruz Control, that greasy little weasel, that spurious tick Ted Cruz has raised his ugly head again. And now this past November – just two months ago – seems like two decades ago. November 2013. Just one year removed from the re-election and re-affirmation of an incumbent president by the majority of the people, as it were – two weeks after the conclusion of a screw up that shut down the government, and in doing so, seemed to shut down (hopefully for good?) the guy who engineered that shut down – Ted Cruz.

Sadly, it's not to be; Ted "The Creep" Cruz is back, mouthing off about this week's State of the Union address, making himself look and sound like an even bigger asshole (if that's possible) and putting at risk more moderate Republican who, if are not guilty by association, are guilty by negligence.

This guy ain't LBJ; can't anyone in the GOP shut him up and shut him down?

Has there ever been a politician more hated by his own party?

In the latest Cruz-credited piece in the Wall Street Journal (the placement of such no doubt funded by the Koch brothers), Cruz deems the Obama administration as an Imperial Presidency. But Cruz more than anyone has touted the idea of an Imperial Government, with all three branches being dominated and operated as extensions of the Tea Party – the sort of single-thought governing process that Karl Rove has been praying to his tattered photo of Lee Atwater for all these years. Then they REALLY wouldn't have to worry about actually delivering solutions, much less ideas, on Healthcare or Immigration.

Yes, Cruz complains about an imperial presidency, but the fact is that Obama has done nothing outside the law. If Cruz wants to scrap the Affordable Care Act, he should follow his own advice of staying within the law by following the proper legislative steps. And if he thinks Obama leads the pack in executive orders, he'd better think again – Obama isn't even close to Reagan, while also trailing Clinton and Bush the Junior.

For the likes of Cruz who have been so worried about Obama's impending dictatorship (five years in the making and counting!), I often wonder what they thought of Dick Cheney's Fourth Reich?