June 30, 2014

Hobby Lobby Rules!

After 238 years, almost to the goddam day, we've come full circle – back to the country we were before we were actually a country. Back to the time when a religious faction not only ruled the land but actually governed the people. That would be King George III – the same guy against whom we declared war on the premise of the separation of church and state. But with the Hobby Lobby ruling, after almost two and a half centuries, we've come full circle, back to a place in time where the wants and whims of a particular religious attitude trump the laws of the land. And make no mistake about it: The Affordable Care Act is the law. A law – like any law – that can only be altered through the proper legislative process. Ideally. But not, seemingly, any more. Not under the U.S. Constitution as we know it today, as it is interpreted by a majority of deranged Supreme Court justices for the purpose of appeasing the fanatical firestorm faith. 

Well, sorry, fruitcakes everywhere, but you don't get to adjust a law to suit your own particular peccadillos, even religious ones. That's because we're still supposed to be a land ruled by laws; not religious degrees; no matter if we're ruled by a multi-branch government or a parliament or a king.

Of course, what this is REALLY about is not Obamacare, but Obama. These people who call themselves Christians are filled with such hate for the current president, they're happy to violate the constitution just to make a point. Of course, the hypocrisy is obvious: They don't want to be told what to do, but think it's their place to tell the "rest of us" what to do. Jesus … they want to eliminate contraception, but they're too stupid to realize that such a move will only lead to MORE abortions – which are still legal.

June 11, 2014

Thanks, Monica

Within a few short weeks, Eric Cantor is gone and Monica Lewinsky is back. Fucking amazing.

With last night's primary news accounted for in full, the biggest shock is easily the disposal of Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. Ah, yes, Mr. Cantor has come and gone, a victim of his own hubris, greed and insanity. His plan was to pump up the troops – these new troops – and lead them in an overthrow. The only problem was that not even Cantor was crazy enough for this new bunch and they ended up overthrowing the wrong guy; Eric Cantor himself, rather than the guy he'd originally set his sights on – President Barrack Obama.

So Eric Cantor is gone. And Monica Lewinsky is back; on the cover of the new Vanity Fair, inside of which, she is asking to be forgiven so that she might start over – 15 year later. Uh-huh. Just think what she gave us …

Because Monica actually thought she was going to be moving into the White House, poor Al Gore had the specter of herself and Bill and a fouled blue dress and a smelly cigar hanging over him. There could have been hope, but unfortunately, Gore himself didn't have the balls or guts to deal with it properly.

So thank you, Monica, for giving us George W. Bush. And Dick Cheney. And 9/11. And two unnecessary wars.