it in poor taste for a media outlet to prey upon the family of a political
candidate? You better believe it!
dragging your family members onto a stage at campaign stop after campaign stop
is part of the history – even the macabre charm – of campaigning in America.
Not to mention that magic moment on the Big Stage at a National Convention when
you've secured a place on a National Ticket and all gather 'round. Even so, in
such scenarios, it is the candidate alone who should bear the brunt of any
when you include your children as innocent, unknowing audible participants in a
paid commercial; when you have the guile to have one of them utter a commentary
on an opponent; when you're shameless enough to include them in a completely
fabricated scenario, right down to the made-up children's book being read and
enjoyed by the family at hand … then you, the candidate, open up anyone and
everyone to commentary, the whining complaints of Ted Cruz, be damned.
in case you still don't know for sure that Cruz is, indeed, the most shameless
politician to ever run for president in this nation of ours … a man who would
probably even lie about the origins of his own mother to get votes (oh, wait … he
has done that, right?), Cruz is now invoking
the Washington Post cartoon depicting the candidate as a conniving organ
grinder and his children as monkeys – the cartoon which has caused such a
clatter – as part of a ploy to collect $1 million in campaign cash. I guess the
cartoon didn't bother poor Ted that
… now you know for sure.
December 26, 2015
Ted Cruz: The Organ Grinder Strikes Again
December 2, 2015
Misplaced Priorities
five days ago, we as a nation witnessed yet another attack of violence on
innocents – an exhibition of hatred that has become all too common, even
expected – an assault on a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs,
Colorado, by a lone attacker who was just another fine American with a gun. Was
it terrorism? Just some angry dude? Who knows? Who cares? As always it was
immediately politicized. Not like Paris.
Paris … we'll always have Paris – where just two weeks prior, a violent attack had
occurred. And for one glorious, united moment, the world seemed to stand up and
say, "no more!" No politicizing. No figure pointing. Instead, a
common cause. Something for we Americans, for sure, to rally around as one as
we usually don't do. Everyone on board! Filter those Facebook photos in the rouge, blanc et bleu of the French flag!
don't get that sort of comradery with a shooting in the good 'ole USA. These occurrences
here – which are no longer out of the ordinary, no longer unusual, are part of
our culture, like hot dogs and apple pie – initiate an instantaneous round of
finger pointing every time. No "all for one and one for all" here. These
shootings are the new normal, as is the politicizing that goes with it. These
events are seized by politicians to make a point, the victims be damned. In any
gun culture – and certainly in the battle that is the NRA's war on decent
society – this is what is known as collateral damage. There IS no explanation.
It just is. Just part of everyday life in America.
morning after the Colorado shooting, we in St. Louis were reminded of it up
close and personal via a story on the front page of our local paper about a
random act of gun violence in which a bullet (source unknown) pierced the
throat of a grandmother sitting on a back porch with her family one evening
last summer. The perpetrator has yet to be caught or, heaven forbid, fess up. Collateral
damage, indeed.
in Colorado, it wasn't so random. A rogue gunman burst into a healthcare
facility and started blasting away. The immediate take was that this was his
anti-abortion statement; an act of emotion no doubt fueled by the now-debunked
Planned Parenthood videos.
the tapes. Those hotly disputed tapes of Planned Parenthood honchos allegedly
negotiating deals over fetal tissue, as it were. Heartless? Maybe. Legal? Certainly.
Callous? Probably. The business of science can be a cold one. And in this case,
an emotional one. Which is what produced Colorado.
be clear: The shooting at the Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado was
absolutely motivated by the screaming lies about the "videos," which
influenced a person who is not one of the more reasonable thinking humans among
us. Which brings us, once again, to the subject of The Access of Guns.
many agreed, a reasonable person would not be motivated by just the videos to
shoot someone, just as a reasonable person knows how to use a gun properly. But
we're talking about America here – the home of the idiot. And therein lies the
problem: we are a nation virtually devoid of reasonable people, with 90+% being
complete morons, the reason for being disqualified from understanding the
inaccurate message of the lying Republicans with regard to those videos, not to
mention responsible gun ownership.
outcry bordered on silence – not such a bad thing. Only Ted Cruz was tasteless
and shameless enough to stick his smug mug out there and actually pretend to
express sorrow for the victims when deep in his dark soul, we know how he
REALLY feels. Not that most Republicans don't feel the same way – simply out of
pure hatred and for the sake of petty politics. But not a one of them was willing
to hang his ass out there like Cruz did. Though Ben Carson did mention that it
was time to end the hateful rhetoric. Better
talk to your friends at Fox News about that.
therein lies the big picture. Because it's not just a small problem of too many
"gun free zones" as the dumb little boys on Fox and Friends think.
It's a much bigger problem – more than just about opposition to abortion or
easy access to guns. There is a greater realization: Hatred and vigilante law
are now accepted in this country. Yes, indeed, Fox News has made it, over the
course of decades now, acceptable, to hate. Hell, they promote it. And the NRA
has made us all think that it's okay to shoot anyone you don't like. Period.
And the GOP – with the hatred and self-law mindset in place – has jumped in by
promoting the concept of vengeance, in general.
Colorado Springs. The new normal.
Post columnist Kathleen Parker concluded in a recent column that "one man
may have heard fiery rhetoric and decided to kill people, but 322 million other
Americans went about their day as usual." In other words, one out of 322 million
ain't bad.
new normal, indeed.
Republicans will go on claiming that it's a healthcare issue. (As they
continue, by the way, to try to repeal the Affordable Care Act.) But what the
hell – Republicans didn't cause this presumed Radical Christian Terrorist to go
crazy! What they have done, however, is (1) sustain an environment whereby it
was easy for him to have a gun thanks to their refusal to enact sensible gun
control legislation and (2) pour gas on the fire with their lies about Planned
screw this mess – Republicans tell us we have 2,000 Syrian refugees to worry
about – mostly women and children. And those Republicans – which include the
governors of 30+ states – are trying to keep from entering the United States.
They forget the fact that there is a 2-year vetting process in place that requires
sponsorship; (often by a faith-based organization.) The anti-Syrian Republican
nuts also forget – or may not know – that 20 million people enter the USA every
YEAR through a visa waiver program that permits up to 90-day visits from 38
countries with no advanced approval required. Oh, and every one of those 20
million people can buy a gun with relative ease. Or get someone to buy one for
them. And this is all fine. Yet they – the Republicans – continue to concern
themselves about those 2,000 Syrians. Because it's political.
about your misplaced priorities.
I put the finishing touches on the rant above, news has hit that there's been
ANOTHER shooting – in southern California – in an office complex – by one or
two or more middle-eastern types. Well, thank the Christian Lord for that! Now we
can go back to being united again – sort of; focused on foreign terrorists. And
we can forget about Colorado … right? Time will tell.
getting hard to keep up with all of the shootings these days. As they would say
in Paris, "c'est la vie."