August 16, 2014

Jay Nixon Goes Down in Flames

Poor Jay Nixon.

He's flown under the radar for six years as the governor of Missouri and for 20-plus years before that as a state politician. But he's under the radar no more, thanks to Ferguson. The national spotlight hit Nixon hard these past few days, casting any aspirations Nixon had of national office (VP under Hillary?) out the window. And aspirations he's had aplenty as shown by his numerous trips to Iowa these past few years. If the initial press conference on Ferguson didn't do it, the rowdy shindig today sure did. There was poor Jay, running his own fucking press conference for Christ's sake, instead of some toady taking the heat. And it wasn't really a press conference, but more of a balls-to-the-wall town hall free for all, with a whole bunch of pissed off Ferguson residents – mostly black – nailing him at every turn.

Big mistake.

Missouri Representative Lacy Clay, a long-time supporter of Nixon's, stood quietly in the background, while Nixon was forced to play the role of press secretary as well as governor; and when he DID play governor, he was hardly executive-like in behavior. In letting the crowd drag him down in the debate gutter with them, Nixon demonstrated a lack of presence, lack of thought and an attitude bordering on apathy that was not exactly endearing or comforting. After a term and a half of governor, the real Jay Nixon final appeared – a frightened half-wit who really doesn't give a damn about anyone in North St. Louis County – or the city of St. Louis, for that matter. That is, anyone who is black.

Zero brains, zero charisma, zero concern – not a good combination for someone who wants out of Jefferson City, Missouri.

August 1, 2014

The Stupidity Stops Here

The buzz over Chris Christie has begun anew with recent revelations about the infamous bridge shutdown (of almost a year ago now) showing the New Jersey Governor to be even more of a putz than we'd already suspected. Between now and the Republican Convention in Cleveland in two years, Chris Christie will reveal himself to the nation in new and terrible ways, eventually meeting the same fate Fred Thompson did in 2008, and in the same manner – during a debate, when Christie opens his mouth on serious matters and the nation learns how dumb he really is. Of course, to everything there is a season; and a theory of relativity. Next to Rick Perry, Big Boy Christie may not sound so dumb. Christie may end up thanking his lucky stars for Perry who, according to those in the know down in Austin, Texas, makes George W. Bush look like a Rhodes Scholar. Truth is, dumb is okay is you have a Dick Cheney on board (as W. did) to run the ship from behind the scenes. But Perry doesn't and won't. And neither will Chris Christie, whose bullying act won't be nearly as popular across the nation as it is in his home state.