August 1, 2014

The Stupidity Stops Here

The buzz over Chris Christie has begun anew with recent revelations about the infamous bridge shutdown (of almost a year ago now) showing the New Jersey Governor to be even more of a putz than we'd already suspected. Between now and the Republican Convention in Cleveland in two years, Chris Christie will reveal himself to the nation in new and terrible ways, eventually meeting the same fate Fred Thompson did in 2008, and in the same manner – during a debate, when Christie opens his mouth on serious matters and the nation learns how dumb he really is. Of course, to everything there is a season; and a theory of relativity. Next to Rick Perry, Big Boy Christie may not sound so dumb. Christie may end up thanking his lucky stars for Perry who, according to those in the know down in Austin, Texas, makes George W. Bush look like a Rhodes Scholar. Truth is, dumb is okay is you have a Dick Cheney on board (as W. did) to run the ship from behind the scenes. But Perry doesn't and won't. And neither will Chris Christie, whose bullying act won't be nearly as popular across the nation as it is in his home state.