October 3, 2014

Ted Nugent! He Speaks!

Poor Ted Nugent. Poor dumb, little Ted Nugent. He has spoken again. The question is, "why?"

Like most uneducated sots, he just can't keep his mouth shut. And of course, when such a mouth opens, what comes out of it usually sounds pretty dumb.

As he has since day one, poor dumb, little Ted has used the shooting incident in Ferguson, Missouri, as an excuse to bash liberalism, in general. Like his apparent hero, Newt Gingrich, poor dumb, little Ted likes to inject his diatribes with buzz words, like "plague" and "thugs." Remember Gingrich and his affection for the hot, provocative descriptors … "sick," "pathetic" and "despicable" were a few of his favorites. This, from a guy who waved "howdy" to his kids as he was getting his dick sucked by one of his mistresses in a car outside of a political event during his term as a U.S. Representative, then proceeded to personally serve his wife divorce papers while she was in a hospital bed, sick with cancer. Has there really ever been a more despicable human being than Newt Gingrich?

But back to Ted – poor dumb, little Ted, whose sweeping assumptions simply aren't accurate, proving that Ted's not necessarily a racist; he's just a victim of the true plague that haunts our nation: Stupidity.

Personally, I've always gotten a bang out of poor dumb, little Ted; his music; his rants; his whole personae he created for himself. But there's a big difference in thinking you know enough to mouth off about politics and to mouth off about how many groupies you've fucked in any given week. And even in these oh-so-serious times, he just can't quite rise up above Neanderthal status. Which, again, is okay in the world of rock and roll where you can fly through the air on a rope with a pretend cat's tail pinned to your ass and sing about eating pussy. But not so great in the real world and certainly not in the world of politics where image is everything and brains are, sometimes, not.

Throughout his career, Ted has found himself in the minority when it comes to rock stars and politics. Which is fine, until you consider his constant cries about letting him and his ilk live life anyway they want, and everyone else mind their own fucking business. This attitude, by the way, from the side of the political aisle which thinks it's THEIR business to tell others who to love, who to marry and who to fuck. As always, it's not the lies from the right that are so difficult to stomach; we're used to those. It's the hypocrisy. But poor dumb, little Ted takes that hypocrisy to a new low when he whines about Bill Clinton and his many known peccadillos. Ted Nugent – child molesting sex offender – mouthing off about somebody else's personal life. Amazing.

Maybe it's time for Ted to finally shut it up.