May 10, 2015

Senor Jeb

With this past week including Cinco de Mayo celebrations nationwide, it seems appropriate that a few more aspiring Republican would throw his or her sombrero into a presidential ring already occupied by those of Rand Paul and the Three Amigos – Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and Jeb "The Voting Hispanic" Bush.
First, it was Ben Carson, a neurosurgeon who is beginning to make people wonder if he has a brain himself. Then, "businesswoman" Carly Fiorina, who is insinuating that she alone among the candidates knows how the economy works, even though she nearly brought down venerable HP. Lastly, it was Mike Huckabee, the hate-filled Christian. (Go figure.) However, by week's end, it was Carson who stole the show. Displaying a new-found sense of stupidity, Carson found himself trying to strike a balance between bland and buffoonery on one of the Sunday morning gabfests. In one breath, he questioned any president's inclination to enforce any laws of the land created by Congress with which the Supreme Court happens to agree. What?!?! He then, in a bow to the obvious, stated that he would run any military decisions by those who may know more than he does in this area, i.e. military people. Brain surgeon. Right.
At this point, there are still many a clown to enter the Republican field and many a stupid statement to be uttered by such, but what strikes me as most interesting at this stage of the game is that the candidate who was expected to be the most straight-forward, if you will, the most bland, probably the smartest and the most likely to cruise to the nomination is turning out to be the biggest fool.
Foregoing any sense of personal ethics, and willing to jump outside the realm of even our society's boundaries as they pertain to established ethical political parameters, Jeb Bush is emerging as a guy who will say and do ANYTHING to get elected. First, he turned Mexican to appeal to Florida voters by registering (illegally) to vote as a Mexican. Now his target is the religious nutball faction, a segment to whom he addressed at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia, recently. Throwing them the usual red meat, he claimed the Obama White House used "coercive federal power" to limit religious freedom – but didn't say how. He accused the administration of "demanding obedience in complete disregard of religious conscience" – but didn't say how. He seemed to claim that the president has taken "an aggressive stance against" religious freedom" – but didn't say how. Lastly, he accused "somebody" of "being small-minded and intolerant."
Imagine; a Republican offended by intolerance. Right.
If he keeps it up, Jeb Bush may turn out to be the biggest whore of them all; certainly the biggest one the Republicans have given us since Condoleezza Rice.