June 20, 2015

Kathleen Parker & the Bush Family Affair

A recent column by the Washington Post's Kathleen Parker is even more touching than her usual pieces, revealing her to be the kind of voter that the GOP has gone – and still goes – after when they pull little tricks like naming the likes of Dan Quayle to a ticket. ("His young, handsome looks should nail the women vote for us!") Yes, she was downright fawning in her appraisal of the Bush clan; to hear her talk, you'd think that Parker was the only journalist covering the family back to the days of H W. In her recollection, she gives us a history lesson on herself – including a Gump-like encounter when with the sleaze ball Reagans. It seems the history lesson needed here is one for Parker on the Bushes.

When she describes George H. W. Bush's "quality, character and class," it's clear she's forgotten about Iran-Contra. Or that he's raised one son who is a crook, one who is a moron and one who is … well, we're not yet sure about "JEB!" Though we're getting a better idea that he may not turn out to be the smart one so many have claimed him to be.

Hey, at one point in time, George the Senior did try to do the right thing and it hurt him bad. When he lost in '88, it wasn't because of Perot, but because he actually did what was needed – he raised taxes, which his believers sure didn't like, and made him pay for it. No if only he could have been a little bit more forthright about that Iraqi invasion.

Then there's W, who has expressed that he was concerned more about his dad's political defeat than the American lives lost on 9/11 – under his watch. And that today, he finds it more of a burden to explain the Clinton cigar caper than the human loss caused by his wars.

Now we have JEB!, with whom Parker tells us she was oh-so-impressed many years ago – and she's been sure through the years that the rest of us would be impressed, too. JEB!, who has said that the "the presidency shouldn't be passed on from one liberal to the next." But he said nothing about it being passed from Conservative to Conservative – especially within the same family.

The Bushes are a dumb, classless gaggle of skunks who would sacrifice one another in front of God and man if they thought it might benefit them politically. Parker must be proud.