July 18, 2015

Nikki Haley, Our Hero

It's been a good month for Nikki Haley, the governor of South Carolina. Through the middle of last month, some four and a half years into her tenure, she was just another redneck-loving, Confederate flag-waving head of state in Dixie. But on June 17th, with the shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, she was handed the opportunity to step it up and boy-howdy, did she, taking a whole week to call for the removal of the Confederate flag. In doing so, Haley painted quite sympathetic picture, though in taking so long to make what should have been an instantaneous decision, it was obvious her announcement was politically driven. Otherwise, why hadn't she made this request of her own state congress over the past 4+ years?

The reality is that Nikki Haley is no hero except to those who really know her and know what a charlatan she is. And while her words were phony, it could be said that her tears were not. But they were shed only because she and her ilk have lost this final battle of the civil war – at least the one raging in her state of South Carolina – to keep this nasty little corner of the south protected for racists everywhere. Yes, Nikki Haley was no doubt crying for every old rebel who still holds the ideals of racism dear and who still believe the black man's place is on the other side of town, with his own drinking fountains, restaurants and bathrooms.

Yep, it was a good month for Nikki. In the wake of the flag's removal a week ago, the news shows were buzzing these past few days with talk of Haley as a VP candidate on the Republican ticket. And she didn't say a word to quiet the buzz. To cap off this despicable display of behavior, Haley is now preparing to embark on what she has dubbed her "Emanuel Nine" tours, some sort of deranged PR ploy.

What a contemptible human.