October 2, 2015

Shooting de Jour

Another day, another mass shooting in the United States – an act that has seemed to become the new American way.

When is it going to be enough? What is it going to take for the gun crowd to think there's something wrong here? When are the gun-friendly "I'll do anything for cash" members of Congress going to stop standing up for the NRA and start standing up for the millions of innocent people in this country who deserve to live life without the fear of being randomly shot any day of the week by yet another screwball who had easy access to a gun?

One of the first to open his trap was that idiot Mike Huckabee who accused Obama of "politicizing" the issue with his speech the evening of the shooting. This from the guy who was shoulder to shoulder with Kim Davis as she left jail for violating the Constitution. And THIS wasn't politicizing an issue?

And speaking of Kim Davis … at least half of congress is too damn worried over her phony "rights" issue – the right to opt NOT to do her job for religious reasons IN A NATION THAT WAS FOUNDED ON THE PREMISE OF SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE – to worry about mass shootings. Right. Just forget the rights of those couples of all types who have a right, as granted by the Supreme Court of the United States – and thereby, the U.S. Constitution – to be legally married.

But back to our regularly scheduled shooting … someday, somebody in Congress is going to realize that mental illness can't be cured; it can only be confined. But access to guns by the mentally ill can eventually be stopped.