November 9, 2016

Welcome to Trump Nation

What can America expect from President Donald Trump? Hold on to your ballot:
  • The elimination of the Affordable Care Act. Those with pre-existing conditions (heart attack and stroke victims, those with cancer history, those with chronic ailments of any type such as migraines or back pain, may well never be able to obtain health insurance again. This has long been the goal of insurance companies; the abolition of the ACA will now make it a reality. If you think insurance rates are high now, just wait until the insurance companies – in cahoots with the Republican Party – begin operating unfettered.
  • An expansion of gun rights. Trump likes money more than his own children and the NRA has lots of it – and they, too, have no regard for children.
  • The elimination of a woman's right to make her own healthcare decisions – which is ironic since sexual abuse will, no doubt, increase under the Trump regime, given that this crime has his endorsement.
  • Marriage equality will be eliminated as the Bible replaces the Constitution as the Law of the Land – in direct contrast to the will of the Founding Fathers.
  • While Trump may not logistically be able to send 11 million Mexicans to Mexico or keep Muslims out, rampant and random physical and verbal abuse of these two groups of people will increase dramatically – encouraged and approved by the President of the United States.
  • Pollution of all types we haven't seen since the early '70s will return. Any sort of regulation of industry will be history. You think businesses, in general, are good citizens? Think again – we live in a nation in which a law is needed to tell people not to litter.
  • Prepare for the eradication of the First Amendment and the concept of a Free Press.
  • Federally-funded "Gay Conversion" therapy will be instituted across the country – supervised personally by their creator and long-time advocate, Vice President Mike Pence. (How do you Republicans calling for the defunding of Planned Parenthood feel about this?)
  • Drilling for oil in National Parks and other environmentally sacred lands will be initiated and supervised by Department of Energy Secretary Sarah Palin.
  • The Department of Education will be eliminated as part of the continuing dumbing down of America.
Of course, this may all turn out to be moot given that under nuke-crazy Trump, this planet probably won't see the Summer of 2017. Remember: Trump's own people took away his Twitter account, yet think the nuclear codes are safe in his hands.
