July 15, 2014

Todd Akin - The Village Idiot

The train wreck known as Todd Akin tilted seriously downhill in June of 2011 when the U.S. Representative from Missouri stated that liberals hate God. Then, naturally, he apologized for that.  
Akin then proceeded, during his campaign to unseat U.S. Senator (Missouri) Claire McCaskill, to demonstrate – on TV – his ignorance of basic reproductive science. (And in doing so, demonstrated his absolute disregard for women, in general.) Then, naturally, he apologized for THAT.

But now, almost two years later, Akin has gone too far – he's rescinded that last apology.

Todd, Todd, Todd … you're not just stupid; you're an asshole, too.

 In taking back his apology, Akin compared himself to Joe McCarthy, which is just about right. He's up in arms about his "character assassination" like McCarthy, which has led to negligible creditability. And like McCarthy, it was well-deserved. (You see, it's still the media's job to call a spade a spade.) One difference is that McCarthy was an intended sensationalist whore; Akin is just a dumbass, proven, once again, by his own refusal to let his own faux pau die. Todd Akin just doesn't know how or when to walk away from his own fuck-ups. He even invoked Bill Clinton's name in a statement about sexual assault. Sexual assault? By what legal accusation? Even Monica has disavowed such nonsense. Akin's regret about apologizing for his infamous rape comments proves that he's every bit the phony so many always knew he was; his name itself has become a "political byword" (his words) like McCarthy, and like McCarthy, deservedly so. Finally, old school Republicans have realized it's time get rid of idiots like Akin and Ted Cruz and Mike Lee, at last admitting that they are NOT part of the mainstream – even the mainstream within the Republican party.