January 22, 2015

A New Year - A New Congress - SOS

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven … "

- Ecclesiastes 3:1

And with the advent of a new political season, a new day has dawned in the halls of the United States Congress. It's a day the Right has been dreaming of since that cold day in January 2009 when Barack Obama took the oath of office for the first time. Yet a day, truth be known, most Republicans in D.C. have been secretly fearing. Because now the SOBs have to work; now they have to govern; now they have to take some responsibility for the mess they've become and, more importantly, for their future actions over the next two years.

It didn't start off too well for the elephants as they had not one, not two, not three, not … oh, hell, who the hell knows how many responses they actually had to the President's State of the Union address this week. In underground bunkers across this fine nation, there could have been hundreds of Republican responses to Obama's speech; each one touching on the particular issues that mean the most to each group. And what groups they are! The Tea party, the Libertarians, the KKK, even the bunch known as mainstream Republicans, if there is such a thing anymore.

Reports coming in do, however, indicate that a few "normal" GOPers are still alive, if not so well. Weak little weasels like John Boehner; grouchy old inconsequential assholes like Mitch McConnell; sneaky, whining weasels like Lindsey Graham. Yes, hard to believe, but these are they characters who have come to comprise the mainstream branch of your current Republican party.

Beyond these old-timers, leading the nut brigade, is our 'ole buddy, Ted Cruz, who was thought to have been marginalized back in the fall when the likes of old timers like John McCain informed him that if he pulled the same shut-down-the-government stunt he'd pulled in 2014, he might as well forget any leadership roles in the new Republican majority, not to mention any support at all from the party in the rare event he should win the 2016 Republican nomination.

Right. Cruz and his bunch – Gohmert, Lee, King, Palin and Bachmann (if she's still around) – are about to be shoved to the back of the bus, along with Rand Paul who is trying more and more every day to look like a Regular Guy.

A time to every purpose, indeed.