January 31, 2015

So long, Mitt. For now.

Once in a great while, you get to witness a politician go down in flames BEFORE THE FACT. Before the concession speech, when, after weeks and weeks and months and months of him – or her – crying " … and we're gonna win this thing!" amidst doom-saying polling numbers, they, indeed, have their asses handed to them by the only people who really do count – the voters. It's always a bit fun no matter which side of the fence the vanquished plays on, but when it happens to an enemy, it's a little sweeter.

Such was the case with Mitt Romney this week. 

Mitt Romney – the ultimate phony. The guy who sent middle class jobs overseas in his past life in order to create greater wealth for the wealthy. Including himself. Which would be okay in and of itself if he hadn't been prancing about these past months as some sort of sympathetic champion of the middle-class worker in an attempt to build a new base for yet another presidential run.

And then he quit. He said he wouldn't be running after all. Which was a surprise to many, but not Jeb Bush who took poor Mitt aside recently and Just Said No – you, Mitt, are not going to run.

This is what the Republican Party has become – one of absolute capitulation, whether it's caving to the far right nutball portion of the party or another candidate.

Where have you gone, Bob Dole?