September 9, 2015

Kim Davis - Free at Last!

It's been quite a few days in Morehead, Kentucky, replete with the kind of publicity that I'd guess 99% of its residents wouldn't wish upon their worst enemies (even pro-choice folks) with a gun to their collective heads. And I bet there are plenty of guns in and around Morehead. This is truly His country where the locals love God and Guns, and hate Gays.

And nobody hates 'em more than Kim Davis, the county clerk who went to jail on September 3rd rather than obey the law by issuing marriage licenses to same sex couples. Bad as that alone is, it's really a riot when you consider that Davis thinks it's okay for her to pass judgment by taking the law into her own hands after three divorces!

If Kim Davis is the latest face of resistance to gay marriage, she is also the newest face (of many) of intolerance, defiance and ignorance of the Constitution of the United States of America. As always with this bunch, while the stance is nauseating enough, it's the hypocrisy that accompanies it that is so utterly astounding. But that was seemingly lost on the faithful who gathered today to witness with great acclaim Kim Davis' coming out party, flanked by none other but one of the biggest fools around, Mike Huckabee – always anxious to milk any kind of publicity he can.

Yes, Kim Davis is free now. And fret not, friends - the tale of Kim Davis of Kentucky is going to turn out just fine. She's never going to work again as she becomes yet another nutball martyr for the far right, reaping fortunes under the table to endorse who ever needs endorsing at any given the time.

If the men among the far right contingent had any real guts, these 16th-century minded Republicans would start applying a little 16th-century discipline to this upstart hussy. Unfortunately, I imagine that burning at the stake wouldn't pass legal muster.

Even in Kentucky.