August 31, 2015

Ted Cruz Piles On

Donald "The Mouth" Trump is a hard act to keep up with but it looks like Ted Cruz is going to give it an honest Ivy League try, what with his mouthing off of late reaching a new low. At first, Cruz seemed to be one of the real screwballs – like Huckabee and Santorum – but over time, and a few mainstream talk shows here and there in recent weeks, he has proven to be fairly docile. His appearance the other day on Chris Matthews' show was especially telling in its timidity, and the true sign of a phony, albeit one in desperation mode.

Cruz opened his mouth again today and it was a beauty. Get this: He laid blame for the death of the Texas Deputy Sheriff in Houston at the feet of none other than President Barack Obama. I know what you're thinking – big surprise, right? I mean, everything that goes wrong in this country is directly attributed to Obama in the eyes of Cruz.
Cruz wasn't the only politician to pile on Jimmy Carter in the wake of the former president's announcement of the cancer that seems to have found a home in various parts of his body. Chris Christie put his own unique brand of stupidity on display again. But with Christie, it's a simple slip of the tongue; a by-product of his small brain. However, in Cruz' case, you can be damn sure that such statements are absolutely calculated; no doubt as planned and rehearsed as any of his stump speeches.
The reality is that none other than Ted Cruz is to blame for the cold blooded murder of that poor guy in Houston. Ted Cruz and every other lowlife in the U.S. Congress who continues to fortify the gun culture in this country by NOT somehow slamming some sort of gun control legislation down the collective throats of this gun-loving nation, thereby advocating the kind of vigilante law mindset that makes such an act as what happened in Houston possible.
"If I don't like a feller, I git to shoot him right? Ain't that what they gave me this gun for?"
This kind of thinking is the result of the inaction in Washington.
As for Ted Cruz in particular, we keep hearing how smart this greasy little guy is and maybe he is smart in some ways … the way Joe McCarthy was "smart" or William Jennings Bryan was "smart" … smart with the sound bite and hanging out that red meat rhetoric for the lemmings to lap up, or maybe smart in the way he baits people.
But "smart" in terms of solutions? He hasn't offered a single idea that could help the country – not in the area of healthcare, about which he has mouthed off so much; not in the area of economic stimulation; not in the area of national defense; and not in the area of immigration. I mean, hell, even Donald Trump gave us an idea, ludicrous as it is, on immigration – "build a wall and call it the Trump Wall!"
It's hard to imagine a more disgusting human being than Ted Cruz these days, if you can even call him human. He's more like a weasel; a sneaky, slippery little weasel; one minute you think you have him captured, then he slips away.