November 12, 2014
A Tale of Two Teds
That two-faced, slick little stinker Ted Cruz is at it again … wanting, as most politicians do, to have it both ways, which he could probably pull off if he wasn't so hell-bent on keeping his face in the news by blabbering about whatever pops into his puny mind about Obama. Now he's whining that Net Neutrality is "Obamacare for the Internet" (whatever the that means) and that it's a bad idea, but doesn't explain WHY it's a bad idea. No wonder, given his statement, which clearly demonstrates that Cruz doesn't really understand the concept of Net Neutrality in the first place. So … let me explain it in a way that even Ted Cruz can understand.
Without Net Neutrality, Internet Services Providers - or ISPs - could develop "fast lanes" to those content providers who are willing to pay more, which would considerably slow down overall Internet activity (streaming, as it were) for the rest of us. Net Neutrality ensures that all websites must play on a level playing field, subsequently ensuring that ALL of their customers are treated equally.
Call it Equal Data Under Law.
And why is Cruz, who claims – as a Tea Bagger – to stand up for the common man, against Net Neutrality? (Aside from his professed hatred for Everything Obama.) Well, if Cruz DOESN'T come out against Net Neutrality, the likes of Comcast and other ISPs who give him lots of money to have their way in Washington would be mighty upset.
Now the fact that Cruz isn't the only taker of ISP donations isn't lost on me. But Cruz is the one mouthing off about it and Cruz is the one who claims to be the best representative for the average guy and Cruz is the stinker who, as always, just can't shake the stink of hypocrisy.
Without Net Neutrality, those Christmas shows (on ISP-provided TV) that are already underway, would be at risk and online shopping would be much more cumbersome in the homes of all those Tea Bagging nuts who mistakenly think that Ted Cruz has their best interests at heart.
So what will they hear from Ted Cruz? Feliz Navidad or Chinga Tu?
November 11, 2014
Megyn Kelly Speaks. Big Mistake.
Megyn Kelly speaks, it's always fun to imagine what might come out. Monday
night was no exception, when she dropped the F-bomb in introducing Mike
Huckabee – a shock to all the Fox News viewers, no doubt. It's hard to believe
that such a word – such language! – could exist, even subconsciously, in the
recesses of a prim and proper little mind like that of a pious little priss
like Megyn Kelly.
November 6, 2014
Reagan Revisited
the wake of the Senate victory this week, Washington Post columnist Michael
Gerson points out that the usual suspects are, once again, claiming the Reagan
legacy. Ted Cruz, Rand Paul, Marco Rubio (courtesy of Lindsey Graham); the
usual assholes. Gerson then proceeds to cite an essay by a couple of
conservative screwballs (whose names aren't important) for the purpose of
pointing out that the Reagan of old may not be the Reagan that the current crop
of young Republicans think they remember. That Reagan was the original maverick
(dare they say, the original Tea Bagger); that Reagan wasn't necessarily about
freedom, but instead "human dignity;" and that Reagan had a
sympathetic side to him that included a role for government to help those who
might need to "depend on their fellow man." (Ha! This from the guy
who claimed that "government was the problem.")
Gerson reminds us that Libertarians at the time felt that Reagan's soft side was
too soft. But in truth, Reagan's soft side extended only to a select few; a
fact made clear by his policies.
fought to cut spending programs for the needy.
reduced insurance for workers who had lost jobs to foreign competition he
refused to stand up to.
reduced student aid and food stamps.
reduced Social Security benefits and the budget for the Civil Rights
claimed that homeless people might well be “homeless by choice.”
other words, he had no use for those who weren't just like him, leaving the
poor, the needy, the working man, minorities or any marginalized group to fend
for themselves. And Reagan absolutely despised gays.
years after his death, his legacy of hatred lives on, and if he didn't end up
as the most vicious, uncaring president in U.S. history, he was goddam close.
we have the new band of Republicans to contend with, not to mention those
right-wing journalists who might coach them. And under further review, these
journalists probably have it wrong.
likes of Cruz, Paul and Mike Lee have succeeded in emulating their patron saint
Reagan to a fault, though no man or woman – not even these righteous, nasty,
self-absorbed little buggers – will ever approach the level of treachery and
neglect set by Ronald Reagan.
October 7, 2014
Doris Landfather - The Hypocrite
you think that the concept of imposing one's own idea of ethics on others began
with the rise of the far-right religious nuts in the '80s, or even with the
emergence of that local screwball Phyllis Schlafly – who came out of the
kitchen in the '70s, yet thought it was her business to make sure that every
woman in America stay in hers – think again. With the recent death of Doris
Landfather, we're reminded that hypocrisy from the right made an interesting
appearance in the early '70s.
her one-term stint as a St. Louis alderman, Landfather's greatest claim to fame
was to try to ban the rock musical "Hair" from opening in St. Louis.
She failed. But that's not the story. The story is that this elected official
from a party that has always championed less government, less regulation and
less intrusion into peoples' lives, thought she had a right to tell society how
to behave. Doris Landfather thought that government should mind their own
business. Yet, she couldn't mind hers.
dropped out of high school at age 15 to marry one of her teachers, who she
eventually divorced. Hardly the behavior of a self-proclaimed moral maven.
had a later-in-life stint of trying to get her son off of a drug dealing conviction;
not exactly in line with the law-and-order preaching from the right to which
we've all become accustomed.
trying to legally regulate personal behavior and personal decisions, Doris
Landfather, thought she was ahead of time, but in truth, she was behind it. But
that didn't stop her from pushing her own twisted sense of morality onto
a pious, reprehensible hypocrite.
October 6, 2014
The Supreme Court Comes Out of The Closet
the Supreme Court decided against a gay marriage hearing. What the hell made
them throw in the towel on this one? Maybe it was the stark realization that it
might not be so bad to be on the right side of history. Or that as arbiters of
a nation that is supposed to be governed by laws rather than "moral,"
"ethical" or religious proclivities, they had better start acting
accordingly. The real question is, what the hell took you so long?
October 3, 2014
Ted Nugent! He Speaks!
Poor Ted Nugent. Poor dumb, little
Ted Nugent. He has spoken again. The question is, "why?"
Like most uneducated sots, he just
can't keep his mouth shut. And of course, when such a mouth opens, what comes out
of it usually sounds pretty dumb.
As he has since day one, poor dumb,
little Ted has used the shooting incident in Ferguson, Missouri, as an excuse
to bash liberalism, in general. Like his apparent hero, Newt Gingrich, poor
dumb, little Ted likes to inject his diatribes with buzz words, like
"plague" and "thugs." Remember Gingrich and his affection
for the hot, provocative descriptors … "sick," "pathetic"
and "despicable" were a few of his favorites. This, from a guy who
waved "howdy" to his kids as he was getting his dick sucked by one of
his mistresses in a car outside of a political event during his term as a U.S.
Representative, then proceeded to personally serve his wife divorce papers
while she was in a hospital bed, sick with cancer. Has there really ever been a
more despicable human being than Newt Gingrich?
But back to Ted – poor dumb, little
Ted, whose sweeping assumptions simply aren't accurate, proving that Ted's not
necessarily a racist; he's just a victim of the true plague that haunts our
nation: Stupidity.
Personally, I've always gotten a
bang out of poor dumb, little Ted; his music; his rants; his whole personae he
created for himself. But there's a big difference in thinking you know enough
to mouth off about politics and to mouth off about how many groupies you've
fucked in any given week. And even in these oh-so-serious times, he just can't
quite rise up above Neanderthal status. Which, again, is okay in the world of
rock and roll where you can fly through the air on a rope with a pretend cat's
tail pinned to your ass and sing about eating pussy. But not so great in the
real world and certainly not in the world of politics where image is everything
and brains are, sometimes, not.
Throughout his career, Ted has found
himself in the minority when it comes to rock stars and politics. Which is
fine, until you consider his constant cries about letting him and his ilk live
life anyway they want, and everyone else mind their own fucking business. This
attitude, by the way, from the side of the political aisle which thinks it's
THEIR business to tell others who to love, who to marry and who to fuck. As
always, it's not the lies from the right that are so difficult to stomach;
we're used to those. It's the hypocrisy. But poor dumb, little Ted takes that
hypocrisy to a new low when he whines about Bill Clinton and his many known
peccadillos. Ted Nugent – child molesting sex offender – mouthing off about
somebody else's personal life. Amazing.
Maybe it's time for Ted to finally
shut it up.
September 11, 2014
Panera Shoots Down the Gun Lobby
There seems to be quite
an uproar over the announcement by the corporate office of Panera coffee shops to
disavow the gun culture, as it were, across the country. Panera is now among an
ever-growing number of businesses who have asked – not demand, mind you; they can't do that – their customers to
NOT bring guns into their businesses. So if Congress learned nothing from Sandy
Hook and the outcry that followed, maybe corporate America did. Of course,
there are still some dumbasses who still don't get it and we have one right
here in suburban St. Louis; a real piece of work named Dan Zimmerman who
operates a website – to the tune of nice profit, no doubt – called Zimmerman felt that Sandy Hook "was pretty much like every other mass shooting — it
happened in a gun-free zone. I think it would’ve been different if he’d been in
a place where someone else was armed,” he says. “I don’t know how you could
argue otherwise."
Right. Just like the Affordable Care Act (otherwise, lovingly known as Obamacare) is the law; and nobody can challenge it, by God! Certainly not on the grounds of any moral, ethical or religious grounds.
So I wonder what the gun nuts think of the Hobby Lobby decision now. I can only assume that the bunch who find themselves in a tizzy about the Panera announcement found the decision by the Supreme Court in favor of Hobby Lobby just as reprehensible.
As always, with the right wing, the hypocrisy is astonishing.
Even more astonishing, perhaps, are the extremes they'll go to in order to continue to portray loyalty to their cult. We're reminded of this as the country sits and waits for the ruling on an incident this past August in which a shooting instructor was accidently shot to death by a 9-year-old student. Sadness abounded, but not one word of regret or surprise from the right that a 9-year-old – a fucking 9-year-old! – was given a shooting lesson.
Mark my words: This mishap will be ruled an accident. And it will be met without a word from anyone in the gun crowd, including the family of the victim.
Thanks to the NRA, America's culture is a gun culture, resulting in what has become a gun war in this country. And as with any war, there is collateral damage that is accepted by those members of the NRA – a crazed cult with no more than 5 million members in a nation of 300+ million, but with as much power as the government; a crazed cult with zero respect to the concept of a civilized society; a crazed cult with members who stand loyally together – even in the wake of death.
August 16, 2014
Jay Nixon Goes Down in Flames
Jay Nixon.
flown under the radar for six years as the governor of Missouri and for 20-plus
years before that as a state politician. But he's under the radar no more,
thanks to Ferguson. The national spotlight hit Nixon hard these past few days,
casting any aspirations Nixon had of national office (VP under Hillary?) out
the window. And aspirations he's had aplenty as shown by his numerous trips to
Iowa these past few years. If the initial press conference on Ferguson didn't
do it, the rowdy shindig today sure did. There was poor Jay, running his own
fucking press conference for Christ's sake, instead of some toady taking the
heat. And it wasn't really a press conference, but more of a balls-to-the-wall
town hall free for all, with a whole bunch of pissed off Ferguson residents –
mostly black – nailing him at every turn.
Big mistake.
Representative Lacy Clay, a long-time supporter of Nixon's, stood quietly in
the background, while Nixon was forced to play the role of press secretary as
well as governor; and when he DID play governor, he was hardly executive-like
in behavior. In letting the crowd drag him down in the debate gutter with them,
Nixon demonstrated a lack of presence, lack of thought and an attitude
bordering on apathy that was not exactly endearing or comforting. After a term
and a half of governor, the real Jay Nixon final appeared – a frightened
half-wit who really doesn't give a damn about anyone in North St. Louis County
– or the city of St. Louis, for that matter. That is, anyone who is black.
Zero brains, zero charisma, zero concern – not a good
combination for someone who wants out of Jefferson City, Missouri.
August 1, 2014
The Stupidity Stops Here
The buzz over Chris Christie has begun anew with recent revelations about the infamous bridge shutdown (of almost a year ago now) showing the New Jersey Governor to be even more of a putz than we'd already suspected. Between now and the Republican Convention in Cleveland in two years, Chris Christie will reveal himself to the nation in new and terrible ways, eventually meeting the same fate Fred Thompson did in 2008, and in the same manner – during a debate, when Christie opens his mouth on serious matters and the nation learns how dumb he really is. Of course, to everything there is a season; and a theory of relativity. Next to Rick Perry, Big Boy Christie may not sound so dumb. Christie may end up thanking his lucky stars for Perry who, according to those in the know down in Austin, Texas, makes George W. Bush look like a Rhodes Scholar. Truth is, dumb is okay is you have a Dick Cheney on board (as W. did) to run the ship from behind the scenes. But Perry doesn't and won't. And neither will Chris Christie, whose bullying act won't be nearly as popular across the nation as it is in his home state.
July 15, 2014
Todd Akin - The Village Idiot
The train wreck known as
Todd Akin tilted seriously downhill in June of 2011 when the U.S.
Representative from Missouri stated that liberals hate God. Then, naturally, he
apologized for that.
Akin then proceeded,
during his campaign to unseat U.S. Senator (Missouri) Claire McCaskill, to
demonstrate – on TV – his ignorance of basic reproductive science. (And in
doing so, demonstrated his absolute disregard for women, in general.) Then,
naturally, he apologized for THAT.
July 14, 2014
Lawless Ted
Here's one such fact Cruz seems to have forgotten: In the case of these kids crossing into the U.S. from Mexico, the law permits a president to address the problem without having to wait for Congress to change Bush's law. In fact, Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., has asked President Obama to do just that – to return the children to their respective native lands. (The irony of a Republican calling for Obama to perform an act of Executive Action amid cries from the same party about Obama's alleged overreaching is just too fucking rich for words.) Anyhow … once again, it's the hypocrisy from the right (not the lying, to which the nation has become accustomed) that is so astounding. And 'ole Ted Cruz is the lead offender. It's because of this that I've thought it would be interesting to break bread with Cruz if only to give him a chance to rationalize all of these off the cuff, out of left field statements he makes – these hot button, Gingrich-like streams of venom he likes to spew out. Of course, in his case, the proverbial bread would be a tortilla, right? Or maybe traditional Canadian back bacon.
Because let's remember: Ted Cruz is not a full-blooded American, having been sired by a Cuban and born in Canada; a problem if one wants to be President of the United States. (This, per Article II, Section 1, of the U.S. Constitution.) Yet, Cruz, in breach of the law, thinks he's qualified – technically qualified – to be president.
Lawless Ted marches on.
June 30, 2014
Hobby Lobby Rules!
238 years, almost to the goddam day, we've come full circle – back to the
country we were before we were actually a country. Back to the time when a
religious faction not only ruled the land but actually governed the people.
That would be King George III – the same guy against whom we declared war on
the premise of the separation of church and state. But with the Hobby Lobby
ruling, after almost two and a half centuries, we've come full circle, back to
a place in time where the wants and whims of a particular religious attitude trump
the laws of the land. And make no mistake about it: The Affordable Care Act is
the law. A law – like any law – that can only be altered through the proper
legislative process. Ideally. But not, seemingly, any more. Not under the U.S.
Constitution as we know it today, as it is interpreted by a majority of
deranged Supreme Court justices for the purpose of appeasing the fanatical
firestorm faith.
Well, sorry, fruitcakes everywhere, but you don't get to
adjust a law to suit your own particular peccadillos, even religious ones.
That's because we're still supposed to be a land ruled by laws; not religious
degrees; no matter if we're ruled by a multi-branch government or a parliament
or a king.
course, what this is REALLY about is not Obamacare, but Obama. These people who
call themselves Christians are filled with such hate for the current president,
they're happy to violate the constitution just to make a point. Of course, the
hypocrisy is obvious: They don't want to be told what to do, but think it's
their place to tell the "rest of us" what to do. Jesus … they want to
eliminate contraception, but they're too stupid to realize that such a move
will only lead to MORE abortions – which are still legal.
June 11, 2014
Thanks, Monica
a few short weeks, Eric Cantor is gone and Monica Lewinsky is back. Fucking
last night's primary news accounted for in full, the biggest shock is easily
the disposal of Republican House Majority Leader Eric Cantor. Ah, yes, Mr.
Cantor has come and gone, a victim of his own hubris, greed and insanity. His
plan was to pump up the troops – these new troops – and lead them in an
overthrow. The only problem was that not even Cantor was crazy enough for this
new bunch and they ended up overthrowing the wrong guy; Eric Cantor himself,
rather than the guy he'd originally set his sights on – President Barrack
Eric Cantor is gone. And Monica Lewinsky is back; on the cover of the new
Vanity Fair, inside of which, she is asking to be forgiven so that she might
start over – 15 year later. Uh-huh. Just think what she gave us …
Monica actually thought she was going to be moving into the White House, poor
Al Gore had the specter of herself and Bill and a fouled blue dress and a
smelly cigar hanging over him. There could have been hope, but unfortunately,
Gore himself didn't have the balls or guts to deal with it properly.
thank you, Monica, for giving us George W. Bush. And Dick Cheney. And 9/11. And
two unnecessary wars.
February 6, 2014
So Much For Cruz Control
Sadly, it's not to be; Ted "The Creep" Cruz is back, mouthing off about this week's State of the Union address, making himself look and sound like an even bigger asshole (if that's possible) and putting at risk more moderate Republican who, if are not guilty by association, are guilty by negligence.
This guy ain't LBJ; can't anyone in the GOP shut him up and shut him down?
Has there ever been a politician more hated by his own party?
In the latest Cruz-credited piece in the Wall Street Journal (the placement of such no doubt funded by the Koch brothers), Cruz deems the Obama administration as an Imperial Presidency. But Cruz more than anyone has touted the idea of an Imperial Government, with all three branches being dominated and operated as extensions of the Tea Party – the sort of single-thought governing process that Karl Rove has been praying to his tattered photo of Lee Atwater for all these years. Then they REALLY wouldn't have to worry about actually delivering solutions, much less ideas, on Healthcare or Immigration.
Yes, Cruz complains about an imperial presidency, but the fact is that Obama has done nothing outside the law. If Cruz wants to scrap the Affordable Care Act, he should follow his own advice of staying within the law by following the proper legislative steps. And if he thinks Obama leads the pack in executive orders, he'd better think again – Obama isn't even close to Reagan, while also trailing Clinton and Bush the Junior.
For the likes of Cruz who have been so worried about Obama's impending dictatorship (five years in the making and counting!), I often wonder what they thought of Dick Cheney's Fourth Reich?
January 31, 2014
Mr. Phil Goes National
Poor Phil Robertson – how dare that
guy from the fancy New York magazine sneak up on him! 'Course, the immediate
and obvious question on everyone's mind was "what the hell was a profile
on this stooge doing in GQ in the first place?" (Other than to sneak up on
him for the purpose of giving further credence to the idea that nice, good 'ole
folks like the Duck Dynasty bunch strewn throughout this big country of ours
aren't really that nice or that good.)
said, rarely have I been more at a loss for words on something I thought I had
a pretty decent grip on than the Duck Dynasty phenomenon. Hell, everyone knows
we're a nation of morons. (When Phil says he didn't think that this country had
a history of mistreating blacks, I believe him.) So when close to 10 million
hicks tune in every week to watch a TV show about a family of hicks, I understand. (Even if it's all fake. What was that 'ole Phil said about the
"skits that we come up with?" So much for "reality.")
Anyhow, what I DON'T understand is the repeat viewer. Nothing – I mean NOTHING
– happens on this fucking show. Even for the mindless market Duck Dynasty caters
to, it's got to be boring as hell.
it's the idea of the success story that has the populace coming back for more.
This show is proof that everyone knows at least a little about something and
that anyone can have an idea – in this case, it's the humble duck call.
school of thought has folks watching because of the Christian leanings of the show.
And that makes sense, given that the Robertson bunch is comprised of your
typical hypocrites who like to force-feed non-believers their very specific
brand of Christianity. Leaning on the bible as an everlasting crutch may work
with the religious folks … Hey, it's okay
to beat the shit out of a guy and his wife, as long as you declare yourself
born again – and are able to pay the guy off. However, in the real world –
in our nation of laws – conversion is not an excuse.
said, they're not BAD people – just your typical hypocritical, far-right,
gun-worshiping, gay-bashing, black-hating, women-abusing tea-baggin' birther