August 26, 2015

The Dolt and The Devil

The day begin in weird fashion, what with not one but two harsh critiques of Republican presidential candidates appearing in USA Today; one would expect the 'ole Neuharth Nazi Newsletter to be promoting the Right way at every chance, even pumping up the possibilities of a Fiorina or Trump administration. But not today. Remember – USA Today is old school. The last thing they want is one of those damn upstart candidates running the ship. All I would say is that, outside of Jeb Bush, I can't think of one of the current candidates who would make their grade.

Consider these two hooligans. First there's Fiorina, who, thanks to her near-destruction of once venerable Hewlett Packard, thinks she's qualified to run the country. Hell, she's not qualified to run AROUND the country promoting the idea that she could actually do the job, her gift for BS belying a confidence bordering on cockiness, notwithstanding. Yes, she's actually touting her poor track record at HP as a reason to elect her and, not unlike Trump, there's not an ounce of shame that flows through her bloodless veins.

Then there's The Donald.

Ah, Trump – the subject of a financial column in today's USA Today that expressed concern that he's been getting too much press. While this sentiment is not wrong, to constantly pound the fact in the papers is not helpful either. But be that as it may, the easy explanation for all this coverage is that, compared with most of the other candidates, Trump is at least interesting. As the columnist alluded to, and as the old newspaper boys used to say, he makes for good copy. Simple as that. (Editor's note: For an explanation of the Trump Phenomenon, see: )

Not that Trump has much to say, but it's the entertaining way he says so little. Not to mention the fact that the other candidates are generally just plain boring people.

Yes, Trump is the 21st embodiment of Lincoln's admonition that there is no such thing as bad PR. Trump isn't even as evil as many think – he's just a loud-mouthed clown who wants things HIS WAY. No wonder he had that reporter removed from his press conference yesterday; it's not that he knew it was wrong … that it was a maneuver that is against the law. Trump has never had a need to familiarize himself with the 1st Amendment. Or any of the Constitution.

Carly Fiorina, however, is beyond entertaining. She is pure evil, and will say anything and do anything to live in the White House. Forget her past life at HP. Her present life, and everything that comes out of her mouth, is disconcerting enough.